Vest - improvements to UX

Rather than having the vest start in the on position, it now signals a start-up phase by the sequential lighting of the panels accompanied by ascending tones. This sets the pattern of lights on - lights off to users while nicely 'bookending' the game experience.

Here is a video...

And here is the code...

// Punch Your Lights Out Vest Code
// on start: vest strike zones light up
// when a strike zone is activated (button press) the corresponding light goes out (and a buzzer sounds)
// when all lights are out a buzzer sounds

#include <Bounce2.h>

Bounce debouncerA = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object - ie. reads a button push
Bounce debouncerB = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object
Bounce debouncerC = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object
Bounce debouncerD = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object
Bounce debouncerE = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object
Bounce debouncerF = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object

const int ledA = 2; // BLACK these are the LED pins, constants won't change
const int ledB = 3; // WHITE
const int ledC = 4; // GREY
const int ledD = 5; // PURPLE
const int ledE = 6; // BLUE
const int ledF = 7; // GREEN

const int BUTTON_A = 8; // YELLOW these are the button pins, constants won't change
const int BUTTON_B = 9; // ORANGE
const int BUTTON_C = 10; // RED
const int BUTTON_D = 11; // BLACK
const int BUTTON_E = 12; // WHITE
const int BUTTON_F = 13; // GREY

const int buzzerPin = 14; // set the piezo pin number to analogue pin 0

bool ledAON = true;
bool ledBON = true;
bool ledCON = true;
bool ledDON = true;
bool ledEON = true;
bool ledFON = true;

bool ledAOFF = false;
bool ledBOFF = false;
bool ledCOFF = false;
bool ledDOFF = false;
bool ledEOFF = false;
bool ledFOFF = false;

#define frequency1 500 // sets the frequency #1
#define duration1 300 // sets the duration #1

#define frequency2 2000 // sets the frequency #2
#define duration2 800 // sets the duration #2

#define noteC 261 // sets the frequency (hertz) of the notes
#define noteCsharp 277
#define noteD 294
#define noteDsharp 311
#define noteE 330
#define noteF 349
#define noteFsharp 370
#define noteG 392
#define note Gsharp 415
#define noteA 440

void setup()
  debouncerA.attach(BUTTON_A, INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the debouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode
  debouncerA.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds

  debouncerB.attach(BUTTON_B, INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the debouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode
  debouncerB.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds

  debouncerC.attach(BUTTON_C, INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the debouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode
  debouncerC.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds

  debouncerD.attach(BUTTON_D, INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the debouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode
  debouncerD.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds

  debouncerE.attach(BUTTON_E, INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the debouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode
  debouncerE.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds

  debouncerF.attach(BUTTON_F, INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the debouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode
  debouncerF.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds

  pinMode (ledA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledC, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledD, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledE, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledF, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);


  // turn on LEDs, 2 at a time with ascending tones
  delay (500);
  tone(buzzerPin, noteCsharp, 600);
  digitalWrite (ledF, ledFON);
  digitalWrite (ledA, ledAON);
  delay (600);

  tone(buzzerPin, noteD, 600);
  digitalWrite (ledE, ledEON);
  digitalWrite (ledB, ledBON);
  delay (600);

  tone(buzzerPin, noteE, 600);
  digitalWrite (ledC, ledCON);
  digitalWrite (ledD, ledDON);
  delay (600);

  tone(buzzerPin, noteA, 600);
  delay (600);

void loop()
  debouncerA.update(); // Update the Bounce instance
  debouncerB.update(); // Update the Bounce instance
  debouncerC.update(); // Update the Bounce instance
  debouncerD.update(); // Update the Bounce instance
  debouncerE.update(); // Update the Bounce instance
  debouncerF.update(); // Update the Bounce instance

  if (debouncerA.fell())    // press button A
    ledAON = false;
    Serial.print("hitA"); // remembers the button press
    digitalWrite (ledA, ledAOFF);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency1, duration1); //( pin number, frequency in hertz, duration in milliseconds);

  if (debouncerB.fell())    // press button B
    ledBON = false;
    Serial.print("hitB"); // remembers the button press
    digitalWrite (ledB, ledBOFF);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency1, duration1); //( pin number, frequency in hertz, duration in milliseconds);

  if (debouncerC.fell())    // press button C
    ledCON = false;
    Serial.print("hitC"); // remembers the button press
    digitalWrite (ledC, ledCOFF);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency1, duration1); //( pin number, frequency in hertz, duration in milliseconds);

  if (debouncerD.fell())    // press button D
    ledDON = false;
    Serial.print("hitD"); // remembers the button press
    digitalWrite (ledD, ledDOFF);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency1, duration1); //( pin number, frequency in hertz, duration in milliseconds);

  if (debouncerE.fell())    // press button E
    ledEON = false;
    Serial.print("hitE"); // remembers the button press
    digitalWrite (ledE, ledEOFF);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency1, duration1); //( pin number, frequency in hertz, duration in milliseconds);

  if (debouncerF.fell()) // press button F
    ledFON = false;
    Serial.print("hitF"); // remembers the button press
    digitalWrite (ledF, ledFOFF);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency1, duration1); //( pin number, frequency in hertz, duration in milliseconds);

  // once all buttons have been hit once play an end of game tone then STOP all functions
  if (!ledAON && !ledBON && !ledCON && !ledDON && !ledEON && !ledFON)

  { delay (500);
    tone(buzzerPin, noteG, 300);
    delay (600);
    tone(buzzerPin, noteF, 300);
    delay (600);
    tone(buzzerPin, noteE, 300);
    delay (600);
    tone(buzzerPin, noteD, 300);
    delay (600);
    tone(buzzerPin, noteCsharp, 1000);
    delay (1000);

    while (1); // STOP hammertime
