Interactive Model - part 1

One of our interactive models demonstrates a stand-alone game that involves two players attempting to hit multiple pads on their opponents vest. Hitting the pad turns off a light behind the pad. To win you have to knock your opponents lights out.

Making the model to display this has bee an epic task....

Making a torso shaped backing board

 Cutting foam for a light diffuser

Testing the lights

Making  top plate

Adding through holes for wiring

Components in place 

Backing board, spacer layers, foam, and top plate in place

Using recycled wiring from an old washing machine

Label things to minimise errors later 


More wiring 

Loads of soldering 

Making a map of arduino pin numbers 

Cross referencing with the code 

Glue the layers together 

I'll have to wait until tomorrow for the glue to set before continuing the wiring.
Time for a glass of red, a book and bed.
