Expanding on the functions of the IntelliPost...
The IntelliPost could easily be programmed to be a tool for speed, awareness, agility and aerobic fitness training and tracking.
The in-built wireless communication, sound and lighting makes it an ideal tool to run training games like the 20 Meter Multi-Stage Fitness Test (The Beep Test), which is "possibly the most commonly used fitness endurance test conducted around the world ". (https://www.topendsports.com/testing/beephome.htm)
In the beep test players must reach the end of a 20 meter track in a given amount of time. The time given to complete the distance gets shorter with each minute.
A player continues until they can no longer run the 20 meter track in the given time.

This game could be modified further by using 4 IntelliPosts in the square configuration of the boxing ring. Rather than running a linear track, the 'beeps' can come from random posts, with the lights of that post counting down the time the player has to tag that post in order to continue the game. Like the beep test, the time a player needs to respond to the beep gets shorter as the game progresses.
By incorporating RFID chips into a players glove / badge / tag point, posts can track the data of a given player and upload this to their own user account on the central ModBox computer for sharing with coaches and other players.
The IntelliPost could easily be programmed to be a tool for speed, awareness, agility and aerobic fitness training and tracking.
The in-built wireless communication, sound and lighting makes it an ideal tool to run training games like the 20 Meter Multi-Stage Fitness Test (The Beep Test), which is "possibly the most commonly used fitness endurance test conducted around the world ". (https://www.topendsports.com/testing/beephome.htm)
In the beep test players must reach the end of a 20 meter track in a given amount of time. The time given to complete the distance gets shorter with each minute.
A player continues until they can no longer run the 20 meter track in the given time.

This game could be modified further by using 4 IntelliPosts in the square configuration of the boxing ring. Rather than running a linear track, the 'beeps' can come from random posts, with the lights of that post counting down the time the player has to tag that post in order to continue the game. Like the beep test, the time a player needs to respond to the beep gets shorter as the game progresses.
By incorporating RFID chips into a players glove / badge / tag point, posts can track the data of a given player and upload this to their own user account on the central ModBox computer for sharing with coaches and other players.
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