Working in bits and pieces

Now that I'm getting the hang of using the arduino millis function as an alternative to delay I can make the bed multi task.

Here it is in all it's beeping, flashing, and moving glory.

The next bit is to get different loops to respond to button press sequences. This was easier when using loops with delay but is proving more problematic with the millis timing function and class members. I am sure that the answer is out there. I just need to find it.

All the servo action was being a bit harsh of the bit of gaff tape that was acting as a temporary hinge. I fixed this by making a more robust hinge out of a thin sheet of polypropylene, this is held in place with some super strong double-sided tape. It did about 50 lift cycles today and is still holding in there. So long as it lasts until after the presentation I'll be happy.

