Simplify the Bed

While I though that the bed was all ready to go I have run into some issues that need to be addressed.

Firstly, writing the code to run the functions that I want are way beyond my skill level in Arduino. It is probably best to finish something simple that works.

Secondly, I got lost in how the bed would function and missed the metaphor (literally).

Thirdly, the bed was nothing more than a fancy alarm clock with enhanced wake up features. There was no tangible interaction.

This has called for a new approach to the bed with a new sequence of actions and a new flowchart.

But first...

Pandiculating is the action of yawning with your arms outstretched over your head.  It is believed that this action re-aligns your muscles, improves blood flow. It is a kind of reboot for the body.

To achieve this there are two 'Off' buttons for the alarm; one on each side of the bed. They must both be activated simultaneously to stop the alarm and to tip the user into a standing position.

And here is the new flowchart....
